Biography of Estelle Rose Calderon

Im came from the family who value LOVE is a most powerful in this planet. Im just a simple girl and and a kind of girl that have alot of friends, im very thankful for that. I have my Big brother, my father is a frisherman and my mother is an OFW. Even its hard for us to apart on that day when my mother needs to leave already, my eyes are like rains that you can't control. It is not easy on that day but we need to fight. And now Im a grade 12 student and very happy because in this year is our graduation day and im hoping that my mother will came on that day.

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Poem of the day

Andrew Lang Poem
Woman And The Weed
 by Andrew Lang


In the Morning of Time, when his fortunes began,
How bleak, how un-Greek, was the Nature of Man!
From his wigwam, if ever he ventured to roam,
There was nobody waiting to welcome him home;
For the Man had been made, but the woman had NOT,
And Earth was a highly detestable spot.

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