Aloo Denish Obiero Poems

  • 1.
    I am Africa, the cradle of mankind,
    Where ancient footprints in the sands of time entwined,
    The birthplace of humanity, divinely designed,
    In my esteemed valleys, where life first aligned.
  • 2.
    In Ongata Rongai's club, a memory song weaves,
    A tale of Newton Karish and daring thieves,
    Late '90s, New Year's Eve, a lively show,
    A sold-out crowd, in high spirits, they'd go.
  • 3.
    Uranus, a wonder to explore,
    A mystery to unravel and adore.
    Seventh from the sun, a world of blue-green,
    With secrets to unveil, like none you've seen.
  • 4.
    The power of thought is like a flame,
    Burning bright within our brain,
    It starts with a seed in the mind's eye,
    And grows into a vision that can touch the sky.
  • 5.
    Leadership wrangles, a nation in turmoil,
    Chaos and confusion, no end to the quarrel,
    As leaders fight and bicker, the people suffer,
    Their hopes and dreams, lost in the clutter.
  • 6.
    Potential is untapped power, not defined solely by past performance,
    Potential is a latent ability, not useful until put to purposeful action,
    Potential is a hidden capacity, not just a measure of immediate success,
    Potential is unrealized aptitude, not limited by circumstances.
  • 7.
    I've set free my best, my finest now untamed,
    Released her to the wild, to the terrains unnamed,
    To you, O vast world, with humility I implore,
    With kindness embrace her, she deserves more.
  • 8.
    One day, the trees sought a king,
    A ruler their hopes would bring,
    In the land where trees stood tall,
    But in their quest, a cautionary call.
Total 8 Poems by Aloo Denish Obiero

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