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When Once The Twilight Locks No Longer

When once the twilight locks no longer
Locked in the long worm of my finger
Nor damned the sea that sped about my fist,
The mouth of time sucked, like a sponge,

Dylan Thomas
If God Is A Dog

If God is a dog drowsing,
the quintessential dogginess
of the universe, of the whole

Erica Jong
High Surf

Loud as the Trump that made the mortised walls
Of Jericho to tremble and lean and sway,
The voice of ocean sweeps this granite verge.
The cormorants today,

Clark Ashton Smith
Celebration Of Light

Venusmoon , by the light of the moon she appeared in golden light.
Her sweet fragrance kissed, the Eternal Rose, she sang of Love, Truth and the Life Divine.
Her Grace, she showered the passers-by, like raindrops...
She gently washed their souls and melted it's Ice.
Bozena Kalinic

Bozena Kalinic
For Tom Thomson

I have thrust my fists
up to ice in the
galactic mire of lake,
lured my minnow wriggler

Paul Cameron Brown

you hear elements of prayers
mountains, stars, trees and grasses whisper quiet
sing and praise everything
life water spirits
Nata Ly

Nata Ly