
The Majestic Love

Olute Aete

Recite me the most magnificent love poem,
A love poem so resplendent and grand.
Let your voice soar like an eagle in flight,
And the melody of your beautify send shivers through my being.

Let the notes float like fairies in the air,
And your lyrics be as soothing as ice cream.
Recite it like it's the last time you'll ever say a poem,
And your voice will echo world over.

Recite a love poem so stunning and rare,
That even the heavens will stop to listen.
Make it as majestic as a towering giraffe,
And as powerful as a thunderous piston.

So, my dear songbird with high musical notes,
Recite me the most high pitched love poem.
For with every note and every breath you take,
My heart will be forever arrested.

(C) Olute Aete

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