
The Potential Of The Subconscious Mind

Obagha Chiamaka

I can't see it but I can hear it,
A voice of conviction in my head,
I can't touch it but I feel it's presence,
I'm sure it truly exists.

The mind is like a very fertile plain,
Any seed good or bad will thrive well,
It all depends on the energy it receives,
A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

The mother of instincts,
The birthplace of all emotions and sentiments,
A pace setter, a goal getter, self fulfillment is assured,
Provided that I am steadfast in my decision.

I want to stop, I can't see any possible success,
Even my friends say I will eventually get tired of trying,
But the voice in my head tells me to go far in life,
So far that I can't hear those friends anymore.

I know the power of my mind and so I programmed it for success,
And if my vision gets blurry, I'll adjust my focus,
I won't stop when I'm tired, I'll stop when I'm done,
The mind is everything, what you think, you become.

(C) Obagha Chiamaka

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