
After The Rain Comes Sunshine

Victor Ekwueme

Here comes the beast in air form,
Stealing people's lives and properties,
depriving their joys and creating sadness.

The beast is like an ocean,
that swallows anything that comes it's side.
It is like a pandemic that keeps the world stagnant.

Even the rich and poor partakes in it's wrath.
This makes it more fearless and wicked.

The world is in strain and pain,
Resources can no longer contain,
People cry in other to sustain.

Who then can hear the voice?
Who then can come to aid the world?
Who then can stop this grieve and menace?

Many have called thee mighty and dreadful,
Be not proud for thou art nothing.
Thou rejoice in grieve for I rejoice in happiness.
Thou had seen that the difference is clear.

The world is mine for thee shall embrace and not to suffer.
what is did is done,
Joy and happiness is assured,
After the rain comes sunshine.

(C) Victor Ekwueme

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