
Position Of Real Love Nowadays

Surya Prakash Sharma

If you love somebody,
It may make you cry .
But loving someone with pure heart ,
if you once it try,
then you can get
all of the bad situation,
which are not being created
by your fate ,
but you get it -
from your mate.

nowadays real love
has no value.
everyone wants fake one,
and it's true.
and if someone want
to love really,
then the peoples say
' good bye ' clearly.
one day feelings become
dead and dry .
and for making it green again
if you try.
you can't make it
for a long .
filling feelings in someone's heart ,
doesn't work strong.
this love comes
from deep ,
and if somebody loves deeply,
it also make you weep .

nowadays love ends
on the bed ,
and real lovers
are sad .
who are not getting
their mate ,
they have a
bad fate .
all are happy
near heart breaker,
but nobody cares
about care taker.
but o real lovers ! don't
be sad .
when the love will
end on the bed,
and they will get a
violent partner ,
this point will be
your turner .
they will remember
your care .
when with someone
they will scare .
your all love
will come in their mind ,
but your address they will can't find.
they will feel
your need ,
and will weep
for the seed.
which they sowed,
don't take any load.
just wait and watch ,
what happens with the time .
but you don't have
to do any crime.

(C) Surya Prakash Sharma

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