
My Massage To Evildoers

Panashe Chigwedere

Am here to remind you about hell you eveildoer,
You think you are clever enough,
You think you are more superior than others,
Your work is to kill and you won't be punished,
You're abusing innocent souls,
You deserve to be punished, you oppressor, you prostitute, you killer, you thief, you great lier, you blood sucker , you witch ,

Am here to tell you that , Jesus is coming,
For you , hell is waiting,
It's better you repent now ,
Cause your days are numbered,
You will be burned day and night,
No help will come from men ,
No sin will be left unturned ,
No evil will be found on earth again.

People are suffering because of you
The end of time is right here ,
The Apocalypse is near ,
The cataclysmic disaster is coming,
I think I made it clear,
There is no need for us to fear ,
I wish if you have ears , so you can hear ,

There had been several waves of persecutions of Christians,
The forces of evil seems to dominate our world ,
But there is always a good massage,
A massage about the second coming of Jesus Christ ,
He is eternal, the beginning and end of everything,
Even though things may seem hopeless, but God will make everything right in the end .
Christ is the finality of the emperical and incarnate .

You refused to repent
Yet you are deceiving many ,
Stealing the hearts of Christians ,
Jesus is coming to save his people , and to end injustice, to end poverty,
To whipe our tears ,
They will be no crying nomore ,
No anxiety, depression anymore,
The wrath is coming.

(C) Panashe Chigwedere

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