

Oluwa Olaseni

Just like that of a free wind was she,
like a soaring kite was she,
I wonder where she could be.
We were led by the path we took
while she carved a part of hers,
stumbling,rising and care free;she walked.

We were fretted about the marrow,
in which she simply revealed in days,
just like that of a winter morn.
Living each movement like a sloths
that are to the fullest, summoning her into paradise.

Her smile rings through us like a thousand bells,
I wonder where she would be.
She touch our hearts like a sweet angelic beams of love,where she could vanished into the thin air.

In scorching sun,she was like a patch of shade,
in an endless desert,like an oasis,
she would lay herself on our bruised hearts,
like soothing balm on top of a baguette.

Fearless,she would frolicked in our streams,
never hesitating to swim against the tide,
Wandered lonesome as a cloud;
Yet she was still in our hearts,
I wonder where she could be.

(C) Oluwa Olaseni

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