
Lovely Marriage

Ngea Peet

Like other couples we own problems.
Except that ours belies our DNA
Like many others we disagree.
Except that ours is disagreeable
We do like other couples - hold hands
Except that we tango to kill
Christian couples we pray
Except bad against each other.

Like other couples we laugh
Except ours is to mock the other
Fertility gave us great kids.
Only we groomed them to hate.
Give each other gold and silver
But meticulously register in diaries.
All the razor-sharp talking at wee times of day
Seen exaggerated in morning town papers.

Like many couples we are unique.
Show the world all is fine;
Except that nothing is good.
We sew uniforms and go to church;
Afternoon drive through town square sweetly. Gorgeous parties we give.
Back room broken music ‘n blames
The Mayor's certificate bleeds.

Sham, too late to admit.
Out there awaits my heart's desire.
The cool fountain of life.
While I suffocate inside pretence;
Cowardly playing the Strenuous Gentleman. Blurting discord from fellow pretenders;
Pretend ours is unfathomed bliss
As lives lie wasted singing “lovely marriage”.

(C) Ngea Peet

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