
Your Guess Is As Good As Mine


It was on the other side of the border
We were content and did not bother.
Plants blooming and rivers streaming
In a glimpse Mzantsi was no longer beaming
In a tick I heard  the  nation screaming 
The angry  giant invaded my house
The hungry lion broke loose
It roared and trampled all to fall

At eventide the king of the jungle made a  call
Summoned the whole family to  rejoinder
Urged all to  wrestle with the life ender
For its still young days we should not surrender
It was for human blood not a certain gender
Our mornach furthermore inaugurated lockdown
No trace of humans on streets only birds singing

You could hear dust particles exhaling 8
And the   trees crooning
Bolted indoors struggling with breakdown
Most operations shuttered down
With everyone home differences escalated 
GBV began strickeng arduously 
Future filled with uncertainties
Kids  no longer gravitating towards the key 

Master locks on doors of industries
Economy  declined hurriedly we lost banknotes
The world turned and no longer felt like home
The beast did no submit nor wave the white flag
It's eager knew no end it striked mercilessly
South Africa went on knees edjured it to let go
We wore masks and hided our smiles
We stayed miles away from each other

Submerged our hands and sanitized
It wreaked a havoc anyways
It gobbled our families anyhow
We have lost an abundance.
Not only the break we broke.

(C) Musa Maliwa

Best Poems of MUSA MALIWA