
Children Of Conflict-torn Nation

Mohammad Younus

Children of Conflict Torn Nation

Each child of this sealed country,
Dedicated to the ruined walls,
Willing not to get out of his home
Weak but strangely at war
With clods, stones,and pebbles in hand,
Raising up slogans against occupation,
You are thrusting us to live in siege,
Your killing and maiming is for profit,
Our resistance and fighting is for existence,
Living on our land with peace and honour,
The creator created me a delicate angel
My parents bathed and clothed me for peace
Not for conflict with any visitor to my garden
I would sing the songs of peace
On windows and walking through streets
If you leave me free, if you stop war on me,
I will search my toys and coins in "Bugies"
From beneath the debris of my house
Give me my joy and toy back
I will again sing a song for you and me
Let me go to school daily fearlessly
Let me plant the green trees around
Let me make water bodies clean
Let me work hard to earn my living
Let me make birthland safe and secure
Yet it needs peace. Peace, peace, peace


(C) Mohammad Younus

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