
I Know You

Mark Burrell

I know you are very optimistic about the world outside your mother's crib. She awaits your present with lots of hugs, kisses and tears of joy when you arrive.

I know you crave for your mother's touch has you poke heavily on her tummy tuck. She meant no harmed, just the required garments worn to cover up.

I know you alter your thoughts wanting to here his voice. He is your Knight that pledges to serve you whenever your battles arise.

I know you wonder if he is a "Grinch" or he plays "Humpty Dumpty", does he sings and tickles you to a grin. Definitely not a "Grinch", he will make you grin, oh!, occasionally he does sing and when "Humpty Dumpty" is broken he will help you rebuild.

I know it frightens you although according to science your understanding is frail about the inevitable, unwanted and the worries your parents faced in life. Yes!, we prayed to the one who shineth the light.

(C) Mark Burrell

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