
On Cloud Number Nine By Lloyd Elipokea

Lloyd Elipokea

Me comfortably ensconced in my heavenly fluffy armchair with chips and a delightfully cold bottle of Coca-Cola within easy reach.
Me feasting my eyes on highlight reels of 'Jay-Jay' Okocha's and the 'little bird' Garrincha's bewitching dribbling sorcery.
Me utterly lost in the simply lovely vocals of one Ed Sheeran and marveling afresh for the umpteenth time at the compelling and entertaining lyricism of Bongo Flavor's resident rap legend 'Professor Jay'.
Me totally engrossed in a typically fast-paced Robert Ludlum page-turner or being overawed by that distinctly magical Dickensian style of weaving sentences together.
Me in my element.
What a load of fun, a time when all is right with the world.


(C) Lloyd Elipokea

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