
The Best Movie

Lekan Adeneye Malloren

I tried to picture what the best movie in the world would look like
I said to myself, it needs the best location
Another voice in my head also said the best director has to be in charge
The movie needs to have a very large cast
The actors and actresses have to play their roles perfectly
The movie has to be one filled with so many suspense and drama
It must be a movie that will have a very long duration
The movie might be one with a sad ending

As I was thinking, some strucked me
Alas! We already have that movie; life itself is that movie
Life has the best location which is planet earth
The best director is in charge of life affairs, which is the creator
Billions of people makes up the cast on planet earth -the largest cast
Billions of people roaming planet earth go about their daily lives playing their roles perfectly in life as the creator had allowed it to be effortlessly
So many jaw dropping events happens on planet earth daily and nobody really knows what will happen next - enough suspense and drama
The duration of the existence of earth makes it the longest movie ever
Of all predictions made by religion,scientists and astrologers about the end of planet earth,non of them is really an happy ending

(C) Lekan Adeneye Malloren

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