
Moving On

Laurie Lae

Regret, is something I don't feel
I had you, You had me, We had us
You treated me right, I agree
I treated you, the very way I would still love to
You gave me no choice

I don't know why you think there is something wrong
Became your every other day statement
Feelings are supposed to be felt
I am allowed to feel what I feel
And I felt change, change from you towards me

I can't play you, play me, then still play us
You chose your path, I was not in agreement
You gave your ultimatum
Happiness, is what I feel
For I now understand,
Good things are meant to be experienced
Yet they can not be inexorable

No one like you
No one can replace you
But it doesn't mean there is no one better
I hope you're happy
I know I found my happiness outside us
Regardless, we move.

(C) Laurie Lae

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