
Start Over

Jaydean Byneveldt

I want to start over

And I do start over

Every minute
And every day

I am like an artist
I work on my art piece
Day and night

I put in the effort

I do it all to create an masterpiece

I am the masterpiece in the making

As I take the paint brush
Day by day

I dip it in my tears
And I take little bit of my happiness
And peace

And I paint

Every day I don't stop

But can we ever start over?

Does the pain go away.?
Or do we get use to it

Live around it.....
Confront it occasionally like an old lover
who you haven't seen in years.....
Do the scars sometimes whisper
Reminding you

Slightly of that which you over come?

And do you sometimes lay In the middle of the floor curled up in a ball

Just feeling the pain

But I start over every day
I take the paintbrush
And I paint...

(C) Jaydean Byneveldt

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