

Jaydean Byneveldt

And I always wonder..
I always wondered why you just left?

You didn't fight for me
I found myself asking if you ever even loved me

You left me
My heart was still filled with love and it was over flowing
And I was left by you
and all that love made me drown

And you couldn't even jump in and save me

I started to run dry
The love I couldn't give you
Dried up
And I was left in an dessert for a while

Day and night
My heart was aching
Questions floating
Asking whether I was enough, why wasn't I enough

Why did you lie?

And I started to heal
Day by day

And it took long for the dessert to become a garden filled with beautiful roses and fountains

One night I laid and looked at the moon
And a tear slipped from my eye.......

But I looked around and smiled.....
And realized that because you left I became more than I ever could imagine...

And some fool asked me whether I'd go back to the one who left me drowning.

I simply smiled and said why would I?
I always wondered why you left.....

But the reason became clear when I saw that it was to become who I am now.....

So now I say....

Thank you for leaving
And don't you dare come back...

(C) Jaydean Byneveldt

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