
April Fool

DaCosta Kofi Aboagye

Believed to be the first month of the year,
It’s now a day when people joke around without fear.
April Fool,
Has turned into an annual custom,
Intended to freak out one’s wisdom,
By pranking at random.

Be the victor or not,
But do forget it not,
That there’s also harm it really cause,
like raising the impulse.
Wasting time and energy in full,
For the thrill of April Fool.

Ignore the cheek of it,
And enjoy the fun of it,
With jokes and harmless pranks,
Triggering the emotions of the ignorant ones,
Pulling strategies and sweet strands,
Just to send one on meaningless errands.

Be expectant of a prank,
Irrespective of your rank,
Stay alert on April’s first moon,
And wait till it passes after noon,
Else you would end up a cartoon.

(C) Dacosta Kofi Aboagye

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