
Real Beauty

Amit Bahadut

Darkness ,darkness everywhere;
Who is the prettiest in the sphere
Master ..I heard them saying light
But it faded easily in the fight
Love was what I heard them sing,
In clarity of darkness it appeared a poor thing,
Charity ,humanity were their next declarations but they lost too,for having certain limitations
Rivers,mountains,valleys they shout,
Pollution forced them to pull out
Perseverance, diligence ,intelligence they said
Deception didn't allow them to raise their head,
This was followed by several so called goodies,
But none could stand ur capabilities,
'Darkness' the term when I coined,
Initially none made agreeable sign
It was then when I made ur beauties count
And mere introduction left them spellbound
Master this is what they now shout in accordance;
Darkness is the only beauty ,make it an ordinance

(C) Amit Bahadut

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