I was the only being on earth existing with immortal love.
For millennia, I sought true love that could not die,
But this kind of love did not exist on the planet.

The love of the daughters of earth could not last forever.
They were mortals and I was an immortal being.
I knew that the love I had been searching for would come one day.

I awaited the arrival of a compatible being with love like mine.
How I wanted to get out of this dying world.
Then at last, I saw an advanced starship descending slowly.

An alien appeared on the ground in a beam of light.
She had the likeness of an earthly woman,
But her beauty far exceeded that of human species.

The night breeze was blowing through her long flowing hair.
Her crown sparkled like transparent crystal.
She was wearing a long heelless bootie and a golden cloak.

The fire of immortal love was in her grey eyes.
I was stunned by the sight of the extra-terrestrial being.
My heart was palpitating, but my love was strong.

I walked out into the clear so she could see me.
She stood there for a while and looked around,
And then she walked gracefully towards me.

The moment we met, she knew that I was not from this world.
She introduced herself as Xenia of Galaxia.
And she spoke softly with the voice of a goddess.

She came from an obscured planet ten thousand light years away.
It was in a galaxy near the border of the universe.
The inhabitants of her world enjoyed perfect peace.

Her starship was capable of flying at the speed of light.
She travelled for ten thousand years to reach this constellation.
Time did not affect her, for she had immortal life.

Her ardent love had neither beginning nor end.
She came here in search of a life form with love like hers.
And she could tell that my love was an unending love.

We were from different worlds located far apart.
Most surprisingly, we were compatible beings.
I finally found a supernatural entity with immortal love.

She asked me to go with her to her world and I agreed.
We disappeared as we walked into the beam of light.
The starship ascended the cloud, and it flew away in a flash.