
The Ideal Optimistic Reverist

Waliyulahi Babajide Sadiq

Through every nook and every cranny
I hunt thoroughly
Days and nights
Like a twee damsel
Very prompt at getting her menses
When it is becoming increasingly unbearable
Without knowing what I am actually finding
I have pretty good idea, albeit a strange one
Which ought to be substantiated into action apace
What really brings such a bizarreness
Is not yet determined
By the ideal optimist

O Lord of Heaven!
I have learnt how to be cruel,
Merely to be kind
As I find myself stownlins
Striving and struggling,
To and fro,
Up and down,
Like a fledgling got lost in the forest
Almost all hours of the days
Just to make myself perfect
Upon mingling with mammoth crowd of rabble
And allying with mass of elite
I realise eventually
That perfection is not a genuine quality of a noble man

I stand amidst the roar of the feeble psyches
Beckoning the so-called mouthpiece for Downtrodden
And I grasp within my clue
The true nature of their plights
Rottenly victimising them perpetually
Like the newly detected life threatening pandemic COVID-19
Draconianly threatening the whole globe
With sudden deaths
Saddening the bereaved relatives along with the affected nations
O Lord of Heaven!
Can I not rescue them
Out of this agony
And emancipate them from this indelible disdain
By reviving them their quest and lost treasure?

In the land of the living
Deceaseds invade the territory
Vampires rove around and threaten the folks with blood sucking
Aborigines flee and aliens vamoose
The atmosphere seemingly becomes ruinous
Like a sacrificial lamb
Strongly tied down to witness its death
Amidst the victims, I find myself fidgeting
Like a chick got escaped from a dreadful ravenous eagle,
And whirl across the stage, cease,
And whirl around to face the audience
Upon inquiring them, what brings this atrocious disaster
I am apprised subsequently
That the battle has lost and won
And the so-called territory exists no more

My whole future depends hallowly
Upon the divine Creator's projection
Vanity upon vanity
Vanity of vanities; all is vanity
Depicts life of human creatures
For life to be much better
And our dreams to come true,
All hands must be on deck
O Lord of Heaven!
Might I just have a word with You in private,
Whether or not my request will be granted?
I will try to nurse my ambition to the best of my ability
Lest my dream fades into dimness apace
Upon seeing new talents aborning
The antique ideas are seen died aborning
And the life keeps changing drastically
Like a hollow in the pit of one's stomach
When obviously sated

(C) Waliyulahi Babajide Sadiq

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