
Finding Me

Thierry Kiiza

I run
I run a lot
I run all the time,
I run every time
When I am happy I run
When I am sad I run
When I am confused I run
When I am stuck I run

I run to find joy
I run to find peace
I run to feel better
I run to be proud of myself
I run to nobody
I run to me
It’s me, me and me I run to
It’s me who gets me better
It’s me who gets me what I want

I am God, he created me in his image
I am a creator I run to find me
When my knees are weak I wish to find you
In the middle of the night I am running to you
Not that I am scared of the dark
I need you to hold my back
When I am tired of running alone,
I look to your side, you are longtime gone
You are the other side of my mirror
But the reflection is me!
You are mine, I am Me!

(C) Thierry Kiiza

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