
To Our Frontliners On The Covid 19 Batefield

Solange Bih

Day after day,you walk through
paths uncertain.
Yet, your smiles you give,
Like no one ever has.
You stare the ugly "Monster" Corona
our common enemy.
Though with hearts like ours,
your minds like the "iroko",
unmoved, a sacrifice, watered by your passion.
I hear the cries of infants.
Where is its mother?
The young man awaits the wife of his youth...
The beautiful woman, stirs at night.
Where is her husband?
They are all at the battlefield
Yes. The Corona virus battlefield.
Vagabonds attack,tongues untamed wag.
"Wash your hands" can be heard at every corner.
Your tale shall be told days hence, with a sigh.
Even after the invisible enemy's gone,
you will still be our heroes.
With a pen,and paper,
I cam only add to sing your praises.
Our Doctors and Nurses
in our hears a silent prayer to the creator,
the invissible yet mighty one.
"O God keep safe our heroes, our frontliners"

(C) Solange Bih

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