
Gorilla – 10

Seshendra Sharma

Roads of your looks have no end, but
Your eye are not birds which migrated to other lands.
If you lift your eyes, the whole street rises to the skies,
if you drop them , the street drops to the earth , Friend fix your sight
to a star and march forward
Do not curb those muscles which are
Galloping wild horses with frothing mouths; that
Power alone, which slumbers in your swarthy
Hands shall protect you, the raw power of
The primordial Gorilla.
Their God fled away from the temple to
Escape from the pestering devotees, but your god sleeps
In the muscles of your own gun. When the sound
Of your gun
Fire encircles you and grows into a
Temple then your epoch will descend to earth.
In the streets of this country, cowards cannot walk.
How can one walk frightened all the while
That his heart might any moment jump out
Of his chest and run away? Hold up with your palm
Those constellations that shine in your heart
Without letting them set.
I bless you that the chains of your feet break.
The swords shine in your hands. Go forward
Fearlessly, all the lights on your road are lighted.
I shall knock at your door to ask for
The subscription of your life, to celebrate the coming
Carnival of blood in our streets.
This country cannot escape from the embrace
Of your mighty arms. Comrade you are Gorilla

(C) Seshendra Sharma

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