
Through The Thunder

Seke Bharu

I have walked through thorny paths
I have been hurt, so much I cry like a baby
I have sat down and plucked out
Those bloody sucking pegs from my feet.
I haven't learnt, I still walk the same path.

I have trusted the untrustworthy, villains of a kind
I have taken unnecessary risks painful trials
Taken unwarranted pain
Just to please the ungrateful
My lessons I never make sense of.

I am a wreck, a disaster
I have become a monster to my own dreams
A villain to those that trusted me
A failure to my endeavors
My experiences have come to naught.

I used to dream, I can dream no more
I used to love, now I am incapacitated
I have failed my flowers of the jungle
Now I wandered into swamps
And my feet are stuck, I can't walk no more.

As I look over the distance
I see the barren horizon
I see shattered dreams
Dreams that I built
Sweet dreams I gave up to treachery
A stupid rendition of a history of poverty.

I have seen relatives die
I have seen them waste away to Aids
But the lessons still elude my attention
I haven't learnt, I have let my children down
`I pray they never forgive me.

For a long time I have rubbed shoulders with death
I have had close shaves
God got me through and past
All this I have known, but kept testing him
Could he keep this extra care forever?

(C) Seke Bharu

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