
Greatest Expectations

Seke Bharu

I worked hard today, have worked my ass off the longest
All I want now is get home, rest and chill
It's a long way home, fifty minutes away at best
My eighty nine Riviera, I call it my limo, runs good
It is so damn quite inside, I mean a dead radio
I keep looking in my rear view mirror
I don't need no police behind me
I have a dead tag, no insurance
Outstanding parking ticket
I am screwed, never thought it could get this hard
All for a little love, substitute love, I am down and out.

My phone rings off the hook
Debt collectors never tire, they keep calling
Sometimes I tell them I am not in
Another time I am in jail feels like hell in there
This surely is unfamiliar ground I am walking
I feel irresponsible at best, just stupid at worst
Life has never been this bad for me
But I still keep trying. Keep that head above the water
It's like drowning, but you want to keep breathing
Can't see the shore to know what direction to take
It’s cold in here, my hands and legs are going to freeze
I just can't give up, I have come too long.

Many a times I have thought of dying
Isn't it easy when you are dead?
I visualize my cold dead body, lifeless and numb
Nothing to think about, no phone calls, no one to miss
No lonely days and nights
Time frozen forever, isn’t that easy?
My brother did it, Johnny did it, William and Savve
All my family that I loved, never scared
They just left the problems, the pain for me
But I have stood my ground, taken care of everybody
Not much for myself, I am damn tired all for a little love.

Love hurts, so much like I had no choice
My own heart has become my enemy
It wears me down, like do birds of prey
Like do pythons when they squeeze life out of their catch
Only to swallow and pass out for a couple of weeks
I try so hard to keep living, for life is so dear
Not only for me but for my creation
I hate to break hearts, mine is broken
Shattered to pieces, like a light bulb
The glass is gone, so is the light
It is dark in here damn dark, not even a little life.

I have stepped on every part of this carpet
I have walked from wall to wall
So many times I can't even count
It is so lonely in here, I can't find a damn thing.
I have talked to God, He should be tired of me
Coming, going and crying
My emotions are frozen, tears not anywhere close
Funny how we die walking, and still think of dying
If anything death should be so boring
I never wanna live dead.

I saw my father dead he was angry, he hated it
I could read it on his face, see it in his closed eyes
But when I saw my brother dead, he looked tenebrous
He had given up, he quit on me, on everyone
That cold body I picked up that fateful day
Has been my inspiration.
I see his cute face every time I feel like giving up.
I still see my mother, passing out in pain and disbelief
I never want her to hurt again
I love her with all my heart.

Oh Lord I feel lonely, hell can't be this lonely
Hell is hot, no one wants to stay there
But here, is what I call home, I have to come here
This is the best thing I have,
I love to live life to the fullest
But God, it's so lonely, feels like prison
I am so tired tired of everything
The plain walls, the jazz music, I am just tired
I guess there is so much that I love
That I don't realize how much I miss
But it's all because of a little love.

(C) Seke Bharu

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