
One Day!

Ray Angel

I'm a fighter!
I'm a fighter!
I'm a fighter!
I'm a fighter not because I exchange blows or punches
I'm a fighter not because I smash doors or break bottles
I'm a fighter not because I tear clothes or pull hairs

I'm a fighter because my type is rare
I'm a fighter because I don't give up
I'm a fighter because I see those hurdles from afar yet I run close and jump over them because I know I have a goal I must reach
I'm a fighter because I can be going through a lot at the same time but still give you that warm smile just to make sure you're fine
I'm a fighter because I prioritize the happiness of people around me over mine
Because I believe when my loved ones are happy, so am I
I'm a fighter because I stand for what is right not caring what people would think or say

I've always been a fighter and I'll keep fighting because I know one day!
One day!
One day!
One day those dreams would become reality
Those goals would be attained
Everyone around me would be happy
And those smiles would make your day
One day!

(C) Ray Angel

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