
The Angel Who Restored My Broken Heart.

Patrick Goh

The cloud got dark, the storm brought down heavy rain on me and my heart got broken and went off but an Angel appears before me. The beauty in her appearance is the crowning glory with a smile that vanishes the rain away and got me dry and repairs my broken heart with a kiss from the sweetness of her soft lip.

Then a melody came from the repair heart through my mouth in a low and soft voice saying "there's an Angel standing right before me so simple but yet beautiful, how beautiful is she at heart even without the make up of angels, she looks natural as pretty as a bride.
The beauty and the sweet fragrance from her appearance, demands me to kneed down to her feet and offer her a rose flower asking her to marry me.

Will you marry me?
Will you be the love of my life?
because you have restored my broken heart.
Please be my bride and my heart is now yours
because you have restored my broken heart.

(C) Patrick Goh

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