

Norbu Dorji

The rangers are frontline saviours,
With strong mind set of protection,
Poorly equipped & skilled,
Serve as frontline rangers to protect common wealth,
To the best of their abilities.

When you pass time in playing games and Facebook,
With dangling knife rangers climb over mountain & vales,
To protect natural resources from evil doers,
In hot monsoon you stay inside air conditioner & roof,
Wind & shade are where rangers take rest to relief from heat and rains,
In the cold of winter you stay to warm by heater,
Rangers protect with clothes from frost & insects bites,
When you pass time in listening music,
Rangers enjoy hearing chirping songs of birds,
Rustle & bustle sound of leaves & streams,
When you drink from treated waters source,
We quench our thirst from natural water sources,
When you sleep with your families on cosy mates,
We make ourselves feel at home under the caves & trees.

With guidance of Dharma Kings,
The effort of rangers in conservation,
World & Nation can witness today,
Leader honoured champion of Earth,
For being hotspot for biodiversity,
Funding agencies in never ending line
Supporting to maintain for all time to come.

Rangers are frontline saviour,
With limited theory,
More in practical,
Do no research & publish,
But act in the field to save.

We commit to travel every nook & cranny,
To protect wild diversity,
How much difficult it may be,
We will walk to save & spare wild diversity,
From all types of hardzous.

Copyright Norbu Dorji

(C) Norbu Dorji

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