
Everyday You Heal Me

Nirv Ima

I used to be a poet , heart on sleeves, twinkle in eyes, soul on fire then I forgot how to soul so cold...

I believed in magic, fairytales, love, happy endings, then I lost my magic... I lost my happy...

I was sure the skies would be blue , I would hold his waist and rest my face on his back as we ride into the sunset, but the skies are always heavy... everyday it rains...

I was not prepared to find love, to be blessed with a gift of you, to find Imani,Heaven, You but I find love... I find you...

Everyday you teach me how to write again, I write poems and I write love songs...
You return warmth to my soul...

You bring back my magic... You make me so happy my heart is beating loudly in my chest with thots of you...

You are my blue Sky... And when it rains thots of you keep me warm...

Everyday you heal me...

(C) Nirv Ima

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