
Three Wives Of A Mandarin

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

Lawful wife.

There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate that-s served is nests of the swallows.
Since the birth of time, the legal spouse
Is respected by her mandarin-husband.


There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate is served - duck: fat and heavy;
Should a mandarin be deprived of children -
Concubine is needed for a mandarin.


There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate is served - preserves and marmalade.
Why the two of you are in his house?
Every night a new woman he desires.


There is no more wine left in the chalice,
And the plate that-s served is hot red pepper.
Silence! O you: bunch of silly blabbers,
Dare you laughing at the poor old mandarin.

(C) Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

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