

Namawu Ali

There's something we seek
There's a thing we are searching for
We want answers to all of our questions
Therefore let's overthrow mystery
What is the hope for the blind to see
What's the hope for the lame to walk
What's the hope for the dumb to talk
what's the hope for the deaf to hear
It's still a mystery
We have searched
even in the fires but we came out only with burnt faces yet it remains a mystery
What's the hope for the cock to bear a tooth
What's the hope for the leaves to remain green
What's the hope for the corpse to remain fresh
What's the hope for the earth to get satisfied
We have gone,gone
deeper into the waters
We came out only with red eye balls yet it is still a mystery
Where do we go to?
Whom do we go to?
What did we do wrong?

(C) Namawu Ali

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