
Talented Poets

Marlon Pitter

This poem is for every talented poet.
You meditate and visualise day and night.
And you work so hard on your poetry,
I’ve never met any of you in person,
But your poems tell something about you.
You deserve an award for originality.
Talented poets, continue doing your best.

Poetry is a mixture of mind and literary art.
It doesn’t have rules and standards.
Nobody can tell an artist what to paint.
Likewise, you can’t tell a poet what to write.
Don’t pay attention to foolish ideas,
Such as, “strong words” and “weak words”
This is unnecessary and purposeless.

You can use representation and imagery,
But they’re ambiguous and misleading.
If you’re not concealing something,
Write your poems the simplest way.
Ancient poets had their style of writing.
You don’t have to write as they did.
We all have the right to invent new ways.

Poems don’t always have to rhyme.
Write what’s in your innermost thoughts.
Love, nature, culture, religion, anything,
It doesn’t matter whether it’s fact or fiction,
Choose whichever subject you prefer.
And keep building the good vibes.
I appreciate your work and I love you all.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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