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Marlon Pitter

Is it not true that you grew up in a community with many children of your age group?
Your parents were the first persons who introduced you to verses from the Bible.
And they took you with them to church to study about God and His son, Jesus Christ.
You and other kids went to school and all of you received the same level of education.

When you became an adult, you chose to pursue a course in theology and Bibliology.
But your peers were not interested in preaching, so they chose other professions.
You convinced yourself that God called you to Christianity and He anointed you.
And you think you are a member of the 144,000 chosen ones who will be in heaven.

You became a zealous preacher and you founded a religious organization in no time.
Then you start to mislead people by claiming that you are a true messenger of God.
You even went as far as saying that your newfound religion is the only true religion.
Furthermore, you mischievously labelled all other religious organizations as false religions.

According to you, some texts in the Bible are about you and they were written for you,
But there is no proof that God commissioned you in particular to preach and teach.
You knew that the writings of the Bible have been around for thousands of years,
So you cunningly made the same absurd claims that many other religious fanatics did.

You said that nobody could read the Bible and understand it without your interpretation.
Why would God give only you the ability to understand the Bible and interpret it?
In a sense, you insulted the learned people who taught you how to read and write.
You fail to see the obvious flaws and the irrationality in your thinking and your reasoning.

The Bible was not written only for the clergy, it was in fact written for everybody.
A sensible person would not trust preachers who said that God sent them to do any work.
The people whom you brainwashed believed your lies and gave you their money.
You enriched yourself by means of a fraudulent ministry; you are a dishonest person.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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