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Marlon Pitter

We depend on the system of law to give us rights,
But the law can suspend or take away our rights.
And when we vote for a government,
We give persons the power to control and mistreat us.
The job of political leaders is to serve the citizens,
Not to become deities for the people.
It is not wise to designate someone as a master.
No human being has superiority over others.
The leaders of the world think leadership is Godship,
For they have a filthy and reprobate mind.

The authorities do not know their limitations.
It is presumptuous to play the role of God.
Leadership has a specific purpose in societies
There is leadership in every household.
And it is essential to have leadership in schools.
We appoint leaders in the workplaces.
Religious organizations also have leadership.
And there is leadership in government.
Every team requires a good leadership,
But do not let leadership resemble Godship.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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