

Marlon Pitter

Money can’t buy love, but it can buy the vanities of the world.
It’s better to love someone than to love money and vanity.

The love of money is undoubtedly a corruptive force.
And those who worship money would do anything to get it.

We need money to survive, but we shouldn’t let greed destroy us.
People don’t need wealth to live enjoyable lives, that’s a fact.

Take this advice; be careful what you do in exchange for money.
Don’t accept money from anybody to harm your fellow man.

Money doesn’t bring true happiness and peace of mind.
Those who think money is everything will be disappointed.

Some people earn money honestly by doing hard work.
Others do all kinds of illegal things to obtain money.

Money doesn’t make a person a better human being.
We can’t hide our true character whether we have money or not.

Bad poor people and good poor people exist everywhere.
And there are bad rich people and good rich people among us.

Money can’t give life, and neither can it prevent us from dying.
Life is in fact more precious than money and valuables.

Nobody has ever felt that he or she has too much money.
Neither rich people nor poor people are satisfied with what they have.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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