
Its Not True Love

Marlon Pitter

It's not true love if only one person feels it.
The one you love must feel the same way about you.
It’s not an eager heart if it doesn’t beat fast.
An eager heart is always anxious for love.
You can’t get a real kiss with just one pair of lips.
Two pairs of lips must touch to kiss.
It’s not a romance if there’s no one in your life.
How can someone be all alone in ecstasy?

It’s not a real daydream if you’re not in love.
You must fall in love with someone to daydream.
Darling, I need your warmth tonight.
And you need a manly touch to arouse you.
You often say I’m your favourite person.
And I regard you as a very special girl.
Let’s show everyone the kind of love we have.
It’s not true love if we can’t prove it’s real.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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