
I Love You Hopelessly

Marlon Pitter

I’m not the first person to lose true love,
And I’m not the first fool to weep.
Here in my silent room I’m lying on my back,
I'm touching the darkness that surrounds me,
And I'm wondering what the hell I did.
Your loving arms will never hug me again,
So I’ve decided to love you hopelessly.
Darling, I cried until my eyes ran dry,
I just can’t shed any more tears for you.

My optimism is gone, but my love remains.
I love you hopelessly and I’ll never stop.
I can’t fully describe my self-reproach.
Why did I leave you when I needed you?
I made a big mistake and I can’t correct it.
My words hurt you more than I knew.
I’m sorry I said unkind things to you.
The way you reacted really surprised me.
You didn’t appear to be an unforgiving woman.

I remember when we used to laugh together.
Our hearts were so excited and gay.
The crazy things we did are still on my mind.
You brought me pleasure and happiness.
I foolishly threw away a precious love.
It will take a miracle to make you love me again,
And therefore I love you hopelessly.
There’s no possibility that I’ll forget you.
I’ll continue to love you hopelessly until I die.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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