
Christmas Is Falsehood

Marlon Pitter

Many people celebrate Christmas in ignorance.
They claim that Christmas Day is Jesus’ birthday,
But they have no factual evidence of their beliefs.
Jesus Christ was not born on the 25th of December.
The devil is deceiving the world, except a few.
Sensible persons do not follow false teachings.

Christmas carols are not gospel music as some think.
The word “Christmas” is not in the Bible.
No scripture mentions Santa Claus and elves.
Stop telling the little children foolishness.
Reindeers cannot pull a sled in the sky.
They decorate the falsehood with Christmas trees.

Some people do not know the truth about Christmas.
They celebrate Christmas because others do it.
Others admit to knowing that Christmas is falsehood,
But they go with it because they want children to have fun.
That is utter rubbish and it is unacceptable.
Children do not need falsehood for enjoyment.

Many Christians surprisingly celebrate Christmas.
Jesus did not tell anybody to have a birthday party for him.
Christmas is not a part of the doctrine of Christianity.
The Bible does not support the festivities of Christmas.
Christians have no basis for celebrating Christmas,
So the ones who do this are false worshippers of God.

(C) Marlon Pitter

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