

Majoy Apostol

By:majoy apostol

Enough... For the pain that you feat me,
Enough for the sleepless night i have spend thinking
"when will you feel the same?"

Enough for those moment we shared that makes me hope for more of you.
I am letting you go not because i dont love you anymore,

I am because my love for you is even enough to let you out of my life.
To bear the pain alone and to stop my self for wanting you more.

All i wanted is to be happy.. And i hope you will let me,
Let me experience on how to be genuinely happy about being my self
The old self and not the person you have turned me into.

I have cried enough for you, so much that it flooded and drowned my heart in misery,
Though i couldn't grasp how painful it was to let you out of my life,
Certainty i know i will be fine day..

Maybe they are right, it takes courage to love, because to love is to get hurt, and we needed bravery for us to bear the pain we feel inside.

But enough for those, enough for my heart from loving you, for wanting you, enough for making me feel unwanted, wasted,worthless,and for making me feel less a person.

And now i realized i have to get out of that cage you have imprisoned me...

I wanted to heal my heart, for me to restore everything i lost
Because i lost myself when i fell for you,
I wanted my old me back,

Little by little i will shape my shattered heart into one, a happy shape
No more tears, no more fear, no more pain, just happiness.

I don't know when to, where to, or how to, but for sure i know someday i can....

I can laugh with all my heart content, i can love without fear.. I can love without pain

(C) Majoy Apostol

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