
Memory And Nothing More

Konrad Koch

I felt pressence over night
I couldn't catch it with my sight
Though unseen i knew the truth
Why my mind i cannot soothe

What the shadow tried to tell
Deep inside me i knew well
Yet affraid i couldn't brace
Why no tears have stained my face

Why i'm empty,unexpressed
Why so calm yet so distressed
For i've lost my heart in sea
Dropped it down chasing thee

-But now alas we run free

Freedom's taste is so bitter
What we've charished now we litter
What we loved now we hate
-God please save us from this fate

We have lost all we've won
All the times we stood as one
All the times our tears have met
I will charish to my death

I shall mourn those good times
Maybe put them in the rhymes
Maybe hide the meaning down
While with smile i cover frown

(C) Konrad Koch

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