
The Engagement Ring

Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke

Betrothed to the lord of the ring
Fingers engaged and encaged
Ring a bribe to marital bliss.

Many a woman faithfully fated
and devoted,
Men culturally foot loosed
and fancy free,
Their fingers have no signs
of been affianced.

Though a borrowed culture
But women the cross bearers,
Men extricated from its entanglement
Who said men can’t be engaged?

Married women adore their rings
But connubial men abuse it,
Society mutes to their promiscuity
Imbalance treatment.

If she stops to wear it
She will be tagged “an adulterous
and walker of iniquity”
Why are women culturally disfavoured?

To curtail the rate of heart breaks
Men should be conditioned
To wear their nuptial rings
Both fiancé and fiancée
Are bonded to their vows.

Anointed rings a warning signals
To the slay queens and slay kings
Faithfulness is a virtue
to a healthy relationship.

Cheating is outdated
Why not try faithfulness?
Men of faith are fated to faithfulness
Only the weak cheats.

(C) Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke

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