
Holy Concord

Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke

Business is business
Men faithful customers
Shekels sacrifice for pleasure
Though gainful and painful.

Brothel sanctimoniously built
Destinies aborted
Souls sacrifice daily
Why prostitution?

Whores agent of gratification
The doers and the dowees
Must share in it stings
Society frowns at them.

Why call her names?
Holes attract the tails
No tails no holes
Chastise them both.

Concords chamber of seduction
Many a man visits,
Animalistic desires gratified
Homes starve and stranded
Wives curse and caused to weep.

Turn a new leaf
Pervert or perish
Your deeds will speak for you.

(C) Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke

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