
Your Wit So Refined.

James Charles Cooke

The sparkle in your eyes as I,
gently love you, so
full of pleasure with your smile,
That makes it all so real.

Your blue eyes full of happiness;
Soft words were your virtue,
And humour your appeal,
Your wit was well refined.

We grew to love each other stronger than the day before,
We laughed and shared our dreams;
Went unrevealed, it seems.

As years rolled on, the intermate love never waned.
We each pursued our interests,
that occupied our days.

I only had to whisper would you love me,
kiss me hold me love me now, come with me.
as I need you now.
Eternity can't separate this special bond.

You are the reason why I go on.
This heart of mine is reserved for you.
Forever it is yours, this love is true.

(C) James Charles Cooke

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