

Innocent Kwakwala

And his story is untold
Buried after countless decades
Candidly, from where he lived on hilltop
Dissociated with his voices and strength
Evening powers to command nature
For his magic changed him to be
Grafted with tyrannical gentleman of our culture
Horrible enough to bewitch everyone
Innocent people were dying
Just as he had no competitor
Kilometers worthy travelling three nights
Loaded him to fly on daylight
Making the generation to lose insight
Not even unforgettable history of this century
On how he vanished and appeared in the air
Popularity with incarnation
Questionable among believers of the nation
Relentlessly jeopardized young minds
Sobriety in favour of dark sides
Tintinambulation of hatred,deceit and traitor
Up to the ego of unknown powers
Versus peoples perception that renders
With new generation of believing and thoughts
X ray of hidden agendas sauced with traps
Yells as a wake up call
Zig zag in clumsily motion he died

(C) Innocent Kwakwala

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