
What Makes Me Cry

Imran Awazie

When I look around
Again and again
I feel wet in my eyes

When I move around
Step by step
I see no hope

When I see a child starving
When I see a teenager with pregnant
It stops my breath

When I see a child
With a widow
Indeed an orphan
With no hope for the future

When I come home
And see an empty table
With dust as polish
It makes me know how it feels

When I see a corrupt state
With poor social necessities
With an illiterate population
It bleeds my eyes
What makes me cry?

When I see people in Palestine
Being killed like chicken
By the men of Benjamin
It makes me deaf

When I come across the flood victims of Karonga
Who their welfare depends on elections
It makes me realize
The evilness of politics
What makes me cry?

(C) Imran Awazie

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