
Patriots Of The Holocaust


Welcome the most noble Patroit of Afri-coast
Coded by the uniqueness of his narrowed mind
Despising others in a sin which he sole partakes
Honestly strict in his little negotiated judgment
Pledging allegiance to service with his lips
He truly is the invisible perker of human race.

Welcome the torch bearers of the nations progress
Forunners without identity fighting for what's ours
Earnestly suffering for the interest of the nation
Maters With eyes abroad and anus at home
Building a path-way for refined digested excrement
They work to the betterment of our amiable paradise

Also to the honorable house saviours of mankind
Sacrificing with deeds and Mindless of their gain
Existing within grassroots as well as rank and files
Running arrands of good-wheel for the masters
Bridging the Gap between the jews and gentiles
All this for the leftover communion from the master's table

But We're the highest shareholders in this struggle
Our job, we crawl, we leap, we squart everyday
Scavenging under the angry sun like foreigners
Giving the best to our hard work of hustling
We're like Living carcass of indepted souls
We owe nothing to and from human empathy

Finally we all in our separate ways work tirelessly
Everyman towards the nation's progress
In this fateless fight Some must be more equall
But at last We must glory in karma's just verdict
We must Live and must all die in self honour
Each to the creator joyfully carrying his guilt alone

(C) I.k Tom

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