
A Life To Feel Pity Upon!


Is it what we mean by life?,
A life with a dramatic attitude,
A life with a hypocratic character,
Always acting as if playing in a stage show,
Often lost in thinking,
Thinking of what people think of me,

Is it what we mean by life?
A Life,
Where emotions are concealed,
Feelings are hidden,
Thoughts suppressed,
Ideologies subdued,
Relying on the one and only philosophy that,
"Whatever happens is our destiny,
And what doesn't happen is because,
God's not willing,"

Is it what we mean by life?
A life,
where egos have rulership,
And Lovers have nowhere to shelter upon,
For the mean of communication,
Anger is the only language,
And Under the rulership of ego,
Egos are respected more than people,
Egoism is the meaning, and end of life,

Is it what we mean by life?
A life,
Where The unspoken language of love is never understood,
And Falling in love,
with the right person,
At the right time,
Yet poses ethical challenges to the norms of society,
Is it what we mean by life?

(C) Faizi

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