
Perfectly Imperfect

Evan Fitzgerald

On the battleground of adoration.
can you see deadwood burning?
To unify,
in remembrance,
of One,
in solidarity returning!

Then with Love,
in the spring Sunshine,
each dawn,
reincarnating the Divine.

Ego prefers to remain the same,
while rivers of misery rain,
In the back of your tormented brain.

Love risks saying what you don't wanna hear.
Ego would rather you sit in fear.

Ego sees submission as weak,
Not as loves magical peak.

Love accepts while ego rejects,
all pains of the soul,
ego neglects;

Love doesn't seek to win,
Only to eternally begin.

Forcing to the surface,
all things that defy Its purpose.

With a smile,
Love bows down,
By allowing betrayal,
It gains the Crown.

(C) Evan Fitzgerald

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